Christopher Harris is an accomplished young leader with a long track record of serving the community. Under the tutelage of his father, devoted philanthropist Marcus Harris, Chris has helped support numerous charitable organizations, like the Marcus Harris Foundation, Meals on Wheels of Durham, and Note in the Pocket. Over the years he's spent volunteering, Chris has learned invaluable lessons about sacrifice, sharing, and caring for those in need. Inspired by his experiences to make a greater difference, he decided to launch the Chris Cares Foundation at only ten years old.
Through the CCF, Chris aims to offer hope to others in the face of adversity. His main goal for the organization is to inspire community collaboration for the benefit of those in need. Chris understands that by working together, we’re stronger and more empowered to overcome the challenges we often face, and his vision is to help create a world in which no one lacks the resources they need to thrive.